Applications and services


Discrete solutions delivered to improve management of non-financial risk and performance, leveraging proprietary models, technology and professional networks:

Risk Alpha

Networks provide a superior measure of system stress when compared to traditional measures such as VAR.

They are ideal for representing leverage feedback on a system and provide a holistic tool for planning.

Benefits include real time analytics, early warning and monitoring and testing of structures to minimize downside.

Network Strategy

We connect aspects of technology, data, systemic frameworks and networks to understand and develop strategies for many important aspects of financial services.

Our core competency is in viewing the business environment from a systems perspective and applying technology to understand the risk in this system.

Applying these tools to a network domain allows for improved understanding.

Adaptive Capital

Viewing financial markets as a complex system provides additional opportunities to decrease exposure to unrewarded risks. 

A successful approach is both adaptable and repeatable, it formally represents knowledge as a set of concepts within the domain, and the relationships between those concepts.

It can be used to reason about the entities within that domain and increase contextual understanding and awareness for decision making.


Our applications are delivered through private or public engagement.


Our engagements cover issues relevant to insurers, banks, institutional investors, regulators and policy makers. We also work collaboratively with the startup community, providing advice on commercialisation and bringing new ideas to existing businesses.

We specialise in system analysis and design, bringing a range of consulting and analytical methodologies to solve risk and strategy issues. Assignments include research briefings, analytical applications, strategy development and implementation.


Public engagements include industry consultations and research.

Public Speaking

We participate in a wide range of public forums where we present our work and collaborate with others to solve difficult problems.  A sample is listed below.

Presentation, Networked financial risk – The power of connected data Graph Database Sydney Meetup, July 2023

Panel Chair, How can we better hedge with innovation in capital management strategies? Extreme Hazards Risk Management & Modelling Summit, September 2020

Panel Chair, Insurance Linked Securities as a tool for innovation, climate risk management, Cat Risk Management & Modelling Australasia, August 2019

Panelist, Transformative impact of data, RegTech Accelerate 2019, March 2019

Presentation, Insurance Linked Securities – Alternative ways to match risk to capital, Cat Risk Management & Modelling Australasia, August 2018

Panel Chair, Cyber Risk & Insurance Panel: Assessing the cyber accumulation threat, Cat Risk Management & Modelling Australasia, August 2018

Presentation, Credit Risk and Capital – tools from insurance and network science, Australian Banking Credit Modelling Forum, December 2017

Presentation, Using advanced analytics to understand risks and opportunities for the ILS market, Insurance Linked Securities and Catastrophe Bonds, May 2017

Presentation, Stress testing and capital modelling requirements, Banking and Risk Management Forum, August 2016