Insurance Linked Securities as a tool for innovation, climate risk management

Aug 1, 2019Events, Markets, Strategy

Network Capital Economics is chairing a panel with Swiss Re and IAG at the Cat Risk Management & Modelling Australasia 2019! It is an most interesting time to be talking about Insurance Linked Securities:

  • IAG has issued the first cat bond with purely Australian sourced risk. 
  • Both IAG and Swiss Re have been the first to issue out catastrophe bonds out of Singapore
  • It looks like Asian markets will see continued growth with Hong Kong looking to establish itself

However from a global perspective all is perhaps not what it could be. After 15 years of growth, the market has contracted for the first time. In this context we consider increasing climate risk, that will potentially have a big impact on re/insurance industry business models. It is highly likely there will be an increasing need for access to capital markets.

We are going to cover all these topics and have set ourselves the ambitious task of answer answering whether:

Increased transparency of climate risk can help open up growth opportunities for insurance companies and capital markets investors?

An important implication of this question is whether cat modelling is up to the task?