

Navigate Risk.  Realise potential


To help create a more sustainable financial and economic system.

Network Capital Economics was conceived in 2009 as an advisor to institutional investors. We have moved beyond this focus to develop a range of risk and technology applications for banks, insurers, regulators and other businesses working in complex environments.

Our career and business track record includes developing strategy for some of the biggest risk issues in insurance and capital markets over the past two decades.

We believe system understanding is critical to delivering outcomes for our clients. We have experience engaging in multiple jurisdictions, with businesses, regulators and innovators.

Network Capital Economics is a registered trademark in the United States, United Kingdom, European Union and Australia.


Paul Newland

Founder and CEO

20 years of experience in technical, advisory and executive roles across reinsurance, investment banking and capital markets.  A career theme has been advisory and transactional work relating to asymmetric risk – from reinsurance to asset liability hedging in investment banking.

Over ten years corporate experience in strategy development and implementation including leading strategy for a global reinsurance business with operations in thirty countries.

Paul holds a Bachelor of Economics (Econometrics) and a Masters in Applied Finance.  He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

He is passionate about the role of innovation in transforming businesses and economies – using network theory, understanding of economic complexity as well as standard techniques from finance and economics in his work.



Project based

Depending on project, we work closely with a range of businesses and freelancers for implementation.  Teams are configured depending on expertise required however tend to come from finance, economics, mathematics and technology.

We believe there is strength in a diversity of perspectives and pride ourselves on bringing this to client engagements. Skills come from across a range of industries and cultures.




Strategies for global reinsurance market access following September 11th.


Long term planning using network frameworks, focus on global imbalances and tail risk.


Hedging strategies for defined benefit pension and annuity funds leading into and through the Credit Crisis.


Network Capital Economics predecessor established. Focus on value attribution of hard to measure risks.


Business model enagagement and marketing of Insurance Linked Security funds.


Hedging catastrophic risk from insurers and reinsurers into capital markets.


Initiated study of complex adaptive systems and application to adaptive capital models.


Network platforms.  Company name changed from Arbor Partners Pty Ltd to Network Capital Economics Pty Ltd.


Reseach and development.  Trademarks registered in Australia, European Union, United Kingdom and United States.


Research and development.


Commercialisation of research and development.